site analysis

Sep 4, 2010

Power of the Barbarians

Oss people! Long time no see :)
I am not dead, I just wanted to spend some time doing mainstream stuff.
I hope to be forgiven for the long absence with this pic I drew yesterdey night...
Slaine and Conan fucking rock. We need more pic of them people.
They are for sure my favourited barbarian characters.
This is also a way to celebrate the 40.000 pw in the world map below. Thanks people!

I always wanted to draw at least one of them, but I never had the occasion.
Now I had one night of time and I thought, why don't I draw them together? Nobody did it before
I also added He Man, because I thought it fitted well the group.
I am ok with the result (I tried to get close to the Conan of the old comics, the one I like most).

I hope you like this pic people.

Loincloth version.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see more people giving Conan and He-Man some love. There are many unsung sexy barbarian heroes from the 70's and 80's still to be discovered by the modern community. :) Your Conan Rocks.
